martes, 7 de abril de 2015

Regular verbs: the -ed ending pronunciation

Check out this interesting link and practise how to pronounce the final -ed of regular verbs in the simple past.

Do you know there are 3 possible ways to pronounce the -ed ending?

Click here and learn more!

martes, 10 de febrero de 2015

Buenas razones para estudiar idiomas!

Les comparto una nota muy interesante acerca de las ventajas de hablar más de un idioma. Para leer la nota completa hagan click aquí.

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2015

Making movies!

Our students learn using different apps and websites that help them revise/reinforce what they are studying. Here I'm sharing an example of the use of technologies in the classroom: one of our students created a short movie to revise phrasal verbs and vocabulary related to gatherings. Watch the video here! Congratulations to the director!